Friday, April 1


The UPS man delivered Rilynn's Bumbo and mobile yesterday!
Her Bumbo in action:


She loves this thing, and I can't take her out of it without her throwing a mini fit for a minute or so afterwards. Even when she gets tired and can't sit up anymore, she STILL wants to be in it.

Exhibit A-

She also loves her mobile. So much for it helping her fall asleep at night, she just squeals and babbles at the little animals and kicks her little feet.

Her looking at her mobile-

How cute is she?! :)

I am pretty sure she is teething. She constantly chews on EVERYTHING, drools like crazy and isn't a very happy camper. Yesterday she cried almost all day which isn't like her and she wouldn't sleep unless it was in my arms, or in my lap. So needless to say, I didn't get much done. I didn't even shower until I could get her to sleep at 9:30. Ah, the joys of motherhood.

Her umbilical hernia is looking so much better. Almost like a normal bellybutton! It should go away by itself by the time she is two, if not before. If it doesn't go away by then she'll have to have surgery. BUT I have to watch it carefully because her intestines could get strangled inside the defect (basically a hole in her abdominal wall where the umbilical cord was attached that didn't close up all of the way) and could require surgery immediately if that happens. 

I'll post more later, Rilynn is demanding some attention. :)

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